Monday, August 25, 2008

Preamble, Preface to Madness and the Hair on Our Palms.

SiroWak, The Rolling Circus, is a movement which is bigger than its constituent parts. A group of talentless backpackers whose greatest attribute to any other circus would be the freak show or maybe, maybe, manning the fairy floss stand, decided one fine French morning to put together a circus and roll around Europe throwing parties for no greater sake than the fact that it would be a wicked time. The crew? Well there is Toby the Magnificent, Freddy Fabuloso, Pelos the PeƱos, Gravy the Great, Tiny Tim the Wing-A-Ding-Ding and the Amazing Nickuloso, a bunch of miscreants the likes of which are rarely seen together. So at the time of my writing this the vans are packed with the worldly posessions of six friends and we are off to San Sebastian for the opening party. After that we'll be visiting Madrid, Valencia (for La Tomatina), Barcelona, Paris, Bruges, Amsterdam, Berlin, Prague, Munich (for Oktoberfest), Budapest and Ljubjana. It's going to be a mad month or so on the road, partying and experiencing, sleeping by rivers in the countryside and in some of Europe's biggest and wildest cities. So how do you get involved? Well we have a seat or two available in our Wicked Campervan so jump in with us and split the costs, follow us around in your own car or van or just meet us in the cities for the parties - with the SiroWak Rolling Circus 2008 Europe is your big top.

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